The first fully on-chain NFT game | LadderCaster is an addictive strategy game and NFT player-to-player market that combines elements of classic board games with blockchain and NFT technologies.

Following the current Season 0 Alpha, Season 1 launches May 6th! Burn one Limited Edition Apprentice Caster Twin Pack to receive two playable Casters to use during Season 1 and climb your way up the top of the Ladder, earning LADA and NFTs as you go! Following the current Season 0 Alpha, Season 1 launches May 6th! Burn one Limited Edition Apprentice Caster Twin Pack to receive two playable Casters to use during Season 1 and climb your way up the top of the Ladder, earning LADA and NFTs as you go!

Price: 1.25 SOL

Supply: 1000


Drop: 06/05/2022 4:30 pm

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