
5,555 unique collectible deers with proof of ownership stored on the Polygon blockchain.

BRIEF INFO: The Punkdeers are 64×64 pixel art images, generated algorithmically. Most are punky-looking ordinary deers, but there are a few rarer types mixed in: Kings, Zombies and even the odd Clowns. Every deer has their own profile page that shows their attributes as well as their ownership/for-sale status.

MINT INFO: For every 1000 NFTs minted the price of the mint rises 2x starting at 0.1 MATIC, until we get to last 555 NFTs that’s going to be selling at 5 MATIC per mint. We want to get rid of grinding part to get to whitelist but at the same time early supporters will get rewarded this way.

UTILITY: Except from being the cool profile picture, way to access the like-minded people and discuss NFT and crypto in your very own community, we are currently working on the staking mechanism (will be done in the next week or so, at the time I was writing this the date was 22/4/2022). P2E game is the last part of our V1 roadmap and development will start after we sold out and have functional token and staking deployed. Another interesting thing we have is that you will be able to buy an additional trait to your Deer, thus making any Deer you own 100% unique and 1/1.

ABOUT STAKING: We are going to try our best to keep the value of the rewarding token go up by not allowing anyone to mint new tokens, even us, the owners. Whole project will sit on 3 separate contracts: the minting, the token and controller contract (in the same time acting as staking contract). The controller contract will be the only one able to mint the tokens and it will mint only enough to pay out staker claims. Liquidity/value to the token will be added from mintings and from our personal team wallets initially, but anyone could add their own if they wish.

ABOUT P2E: It’s the last part of our V1 roadmap and we didn’t started any work on it yet. We will start development after we meet the requirements we need to make P2E game functional and that’s our own token which will be used in the staking and in the game.

ABOUT TRAIT ADDITION: You are already able to request new to trait to be added to your already minted Deers which will be done at some cost but at the same time will make your Deer 100% unique and 1/1.

Staking rewards amount will be voted by community as well as the price of new trait addition.

The earlier you join our club of Deer owners, the better. Come follow us on Twitter or join our Discord server and hang around with other Deer owners or the ones that will yet to become ones, have fun, discuss crypto and NFT, participate in regular (and that means everyday) giveaways, all while we are constantly working on to make your Deers worth more and more day by day.

Price: 0.1 MATIC

Supply: 5555


Drop: 01/05/2022 12:00 pm

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